How much does it cost to create a website in Ukraine

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How much does it cost to create a website in Ukraine

The process of developing an online resource includes several step-by-step stages. How much it costs to create a turnkey website, determines the number of specialists, their experience, the time it took to implement the project. The average price tag for a web project in Ukraine is 2-50 thousand dollars.

Strategizing and prototyping

First, specialists are taken for the study of the market, advantages and disadvantages of competitors. It is necessary to do everything to attract the target audience. To do this, there are special tools that are used by specialists of the web studio GTRIX. It is also important to determine the plan for promoting the online service.

Next, the designer proceeds to the execution of the prototype. To make the design unique, it is important to think about the main colors and what form of elements will prevail. The style should be memorable and highlight the concept of the enterprise. Web project strategy and prototyping can be ordered at a price starting from $800.

Design execution

Users want to see a beautiful picture. The task to be solved by the programmer – the creation of sites in Ukraine, selling goods, supporting the image of the enterprise and providing income.

Visual picture should attract and inspire confidence. Prototype site is built on the framework of the elements of the project. The designer is engaged in drawing a web resource for programmers who will later implement the technical component. After the distribution of elements, the specialist visually provides an image of what the completed site will be.

On how much it is estimated to make a site, the price depends on the number of pages, adding animated pictures, complex forms. The price tag for the exterior starts at $900.

Technical component and Vask-End development

Focusing on the designer’s ideas, programmers realize the prototype, display buttons, form blocks. Active elements must respond to clicks.

What principles guide the specialists?

  1. Website development in Ukraine involves the adaptability of projects for any gadget, regardless of screen size.
  2. In the active state of functions.

The results of the developers’ work are tested by QA-engineers. If errors are identified, they are corrected. The cost of this stage of website development starts from $500.

Back-End involves responding to commands, for example, sending information to the server when registering on the site. It is also important to connect other services, customize the playback of files of different types, processing of complex commands. The cost of Back-End development as part of creating a website starts from $1 thousand.

Development of the administrative panel

Thanks to the administrative panel, the owner of the web resource manages the content. You can change the cost of goods, add products and data.

Some site owners, trying to save money, refuse to develop an administrative panel. As a result, to make the slightest changes have to turn to specialists.

Another big plus of having an administrative panel – protection against hacking. How much to make a site in Ukraine at this stage? In the range of 2-5 thousand dollars.

A more accurate amount can be calculated by discussing the web resource and defining the goals with programmers individually. Order the development of sites in Ukraine in the web studio GTRIX, and we will provide advice on this issue.

Сколько стоит создание сайта в Украине

Business card site

Web resources are created to achieve some goals, while they should bring income. Web-resource may differ in the set of functions and complexity of execution. Focusing on the type of service, you can determine how much it costs to create a website in Ukraine.

Creating a Landing Page is used to promote the brand. The user receives data about the business, what goods and services are offered by the entrepreneur, can read reviews, blog, study contacts. This is a suitable format for representatives of small businesses. Online project price from 1.5 thousand dollars.

Online store

The development of an online store implies the sale of many goods. For this reason, the structure is more complicated. It is important to equip an e-commerce site with the following functions:

  • working with payment systems;
  • the ability to add reviews;
  • register users;
  • search bar;
  • availability of an administrative panel;
  • sending notifications.

To develop such a web resource, you need to spend a lot of time and attract qualified programmers. How much does it cost to make a site in Kiev? Order a site can be ordered at a price from 2 thousand dollars.

One-page web project

A landing page is made as a separate single page to promote a product, or as a separately dedicated page on an existing online project. From a one-page site, users are informed about the product without being distracted by other products.

The price tag for a site with one page, in Kiev starts from 1 thousand dollars.


How much does it cost to create a website from scratch? From 1 thousand dollars.

Online turnkey project that allows you to present your business on the Internet and digitalization. Website development in Ukraine includes the creation of a development strategy, ideas and ways of presenting the company on the Internet. If necessary, an application is created for the company.

Informational and corporate website

Information site is an online service that allows through useful information to establish a dialog with potential customers. Builds trust and increases credibility. Price from 1.5 thousand dollars.

The development of a corporate website is ordered to increase the company’s recognizability through corporate identity, broadcasting expertise. The cost of creating a website from scratch is from 2 thousand dollars.

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