The cost of creating a site in Ukraine

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The cost of creating a site in Ukraine

When asked how much it costs to create a turnkey website, the developer will ask qualifying questions. What is the structure of the web resource you are interested in, type, design? Designing a software product is an individual project. The cost of creating an effective website from scratch depends on many nuances, including the experience and skills of specialists.

The price of creating a website in 2022.

The development of a web resource includes several stages. 1 hour of work designers and designers is estimated from $ 15. Quality software product costs on average $ 5 thousand.

At each stage of site development a certain number of hours. The more time it takes to develop, the higher the fee.

  • A quality analysis of the target audience, competitors, market characteristics and strategy requires 80-360 working hours, which pays from $700.
  • UI/UX design takes 80-400 hours. The phase is priced at $800
  • Front-End design takes 120-600 hrs. Be prepared to pay $800 for the services of a specialist.
  • Back-End development requires 120-600 hours. The cost starts at $900.

The approximate cost of developing a functional site from 3 thousand dollars. A more accurate amount can be called by talking with a team of experts who will engage in design and design. No less important is the experience and professionalism of employees, as well as the deadline.

How the price depends on the developer

The task of any online service is to bring profit. In order for the site to cope with this task, it is important to study the market in detail, to determine the needs of the buyer and to form a unique selling proposition. Programmers should have a clear understanding of how to bring the site to the market, which concept should be followed and what are the main ideas of the Internet site.

How much it costs to make a site in Ukraine, also determines the development of the software product. Promote the site, using advertising, promotions, newsletters, SEO tools.

Most Internet users are visual. The external component of the resource determines the ease of use and readability of information on the pages.

Specialists have skills of visual impact and know what tools are used to arouse sympathy and trust. The more experience, the higher the price at which you can order a site.

That’s why the question “how much is it to create a website in Ukraine” is also worth to address the designer. Tasks he solves.

  • Development of a framework. The “tree” of elements of the future project is schematically designed, then the framework is approved by the customer.
  • When the framework is approved, the designer takes on the final creation of the user interface. A specialist not only draws a web resource, but also distributes the elements and visually reflects the appearance of the final product.

The cost of creating sites in Kyiv and on the performance of the administrative panel. If the addition of buttons used extraneous CMS, the price tag is lower. But then suffer security and functionality, there are restrictions.

Programmers web studio in Kyiv can develop an admin panel on an individual basis. This is a convenient option for owners of several sites at once. Admin panel is adapted to the needs of the customer. Hacking such a resource is virtually impossible.

If you are weighed down by the question of how much it costs to make a site, you can save money by abandoning the admin panel. But then you will not be able to change the product price, text, attach photos. You’ll have to involve developers each time.

How to choose a performer

To create a website for an online store, which will be profitable, you need to treat responsibly to the choice of the artist. To do this, the customer must first determine the complexity of the Internet site.

Freelancers and self-taught can hardly show good results. At most, what the client will receive – a single page, made according to a ready-made template.

If the entrepreneur sells a single product, this option may be suitable. Translating large-scale business on the Internet, it is better to entrust the making of a site at a price commensurate with the complexity of the order, a web studio.

Be guided by these selection criteria.

  • Portfolio and customer reviews.
  • The performer should be a professional. Only experts understand modern trends and can solve even the most complex tasks.
  • Clarify whether it is possible to support the resource after the start of work.

A united team of professionals from the best web studio in Ukraine «GTRIX STUDIO» offers to create an effective internet site, which sells goods (services) and promotes business. This approach allows you to achieve a harmonious page with a competent promotion strategy.

How much does it cost to create a successful website from scratch, you can call listed on the website of web studio.00

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