Integration of the payment system into the site

Integration of the payment system into the site

Business activities have long ago moved to the Internet. The World Wide Web allows you to get customers for any kind of commercial activity. The company can sell goods on a web resource that will tell about the products maximum useful information.

Creating an online store, especially online services and platforms for trade is a direct proof of the convenience of the use of sites. Everyone can make purchases without leaving the walls of the house. One of the important conditions for the fulfillment of the purchase and sale transaction is the payment for the product here and now. Integration of the payment system on the site increases the efficiency of its functioning.

Experienced specialists develop trading platforms. Only thanks to their help, you can achieve a high level of sales and fast loading pages. To successfully develop business and increase your income, the entrepreneur only needs to contact experienced specialists of the company, who will take on high-quality development of sites.

Composing a technical assignment by default involves integration with the payment system. This feature should be scheduled for execution without the client’s request. On your own, you can spend as much time as you want to install the option. But it is better to turn to the professionals of the web studio GTRIX. Specialists are ready to take on the work today and fulfill the order of any complexity to the agreed with the customer by the deadline.

How payment systems and online payment appeared

Even before online business began to develop, the digitalization of the banking system started. The first plastic carrier from Banc of America appeared in 1958. Over time, the Visa payment system was formed. How successful this solution was became evident over the next few years. The number of owners of plastic carriers in the 70s approached several million. By 1967, the MasterCard system was launched.

Stores and shoppers appreciated the advantages of paying without cash. The realization of the desired began with the first online trading platforms. At that time, payments were simple to implement, and flexible options did not yet exist.

In 1993, an important event took place – electronic money appeared on the market. The first online payment technology eCash was introduced in America. Electronic money was stored on the hard disk of a PC. The turnover was provided by special programs.

The market continued to grow. There were hundreds of payment systems. Leaders emerged, and those that could not withstand the competition disappeared.

In Ukraine, the integration of payment system on the site is carried out for an online store or any other commercial online resource. Our company, using financial tools, will provide an opportunity for online shopping. You can consult about available payment systems in Ukraine with managers of GTRIX web studio.

Интеграции платежных систем на сайт

How to choose a supplier company

Integration of the site with payment systems is carried out according to the instructions step by step. But first you need to choose the right company. It is necessary to adhere to certain criteria.

Modern systems are easier to register. Finances almost instantly appear on the account of the store. What is the disadvantage of such systems? High commission for the transfer of funds, sometimes exceeding the margin.

Classic systems delay the money for several days, because of this they can not be disposed of. During this time, the transaction is processed, so the commission is lower.

Choose a payment system based on your needs. Pay attention to the volume of sales and decide whether you will pay a commission for a quick withdrawal.

Deciding to install a secure payment system on the site, it is important that the personal information of customers remain confidential. Provide non-disclosure of special encryption keys. Some vendor companies remove card information immediately after payment.

It is important that the user feels comfortable, from this there is a growing sense of trust. Pay attention to the interface. Evaluate the usability, is it easy to understand the options? How is the font readable, are there tooltips? A user who could not navigate the interface will not pay for the product, and you will lose money.

List of payment systems in Ukraine

What payment systems are there in Ukraine today? MasterCard is called a socially important payment system. Cards in Ukraine are offered by 40 banking institutions. Loyalty programs are in place to make the system popular.

VISA cards are issued by 50 Ukrainian banks. An interesting modern solution may be the introduction of a payment system to the Ukrainian site GooglePay or ApplePay, Liqpay. The cost of Liqpay integration to the site is determined by the tools used.

In the top five payment systems today in Ukraine includes the system Prostir, which allows you to pay for products and services, receive cash bills. 53 Ukrainian banks cooperate with the provider.

Some owners of web resources believe that they can figure out how to make a payment system on their site. But the implemented tools do not function correctly, and the work has to be redone. To connect payment systems qualitatively to the site for a reasonable price offer experienced specialists of web studio GTRIX. Contact the manager to make an appointment for a consultation, and we will promptly solve your problem.

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